

Policies and Procedures

Secretaries: Mrs. Spizzirri and Mrs. Behrens
Drop-off and Pick-Up

Children should arrive between 9:05 and 9:14.

Students are dismissed at 3:40 p.m. Car riders and walkers leave first, followed by the bus riders.

Attention Parents:
Use the car lane to drop off your child at school. A certified staff member is at the cross walk everyday to make sure that your child reaches the school safely. You cannot park your car in the car lane!  


Attendance:   Please click the following:  Attendance.pdf

Attire:  As school begins, early fall usually provides us with warmer weather.  However, please keep in mind that Haines School is air conditioned.  Students may wear shorts to school, but the shorts must reach the child's mid thigh.  (The child needs to be able to touch the hem with his or her finger tips when standing straight up.)  Shirts must cover the child's shoulders and midriff, and tee shirts with inappropriate messages will not be allowed to be worn.  Your child might like to keep a sweater on his or her hook here for days when they get chilly.  For safety reasons, gym shoes or other sturdy shoes are the best for school.  Remember that the children do go outside to play on the blacktop or gravel playground twice a day. 

Change of Information Please notify the Haines School office as soon as possible of any changes of address, phone numbers, employment, or emergency contacts, so our records can be kept up to date!

Dropping Off Items:  When dropping off items for students during school hours (such as lunches, backpacks, homework, library books, glasses, tennis shoes, etc.), please leave them in the Office, and they will be delivered to your child.

Emergency Closings:  There may be times, in inclement weather or for other reasons, that our school is closed.  Parents can find out this information by listening to: WJOL 1340 AM, WBBM 780 AM, or WGN 720 AM.  On television: ABC, NBC, CBS, WGN, FOX, and CLTV all broadcast school closings.  Closing information can also be found online at www.EmergencyClosings.com or atwww.abc7chicago.com.  The New Lenox School District 122 has even set up a hot news phone number to call to listen for weather and other important messages - it can be reached at 815-462-7001. mailbox #7007.  Parents, please be sure to have an alternate place for your child to stay in the event that school is cancelled or needs to be closed early.

Lunch: The lunch program will be comprised of a variety of nutritious and fresh cold lunches. Students will place a monthly order for the day(s) of their selection. The cost of the daily lunch will be $4.00.  More information is coming.

Medication Medication must be brought to school by a parent or guardian.  In addition, a doctor's note is needed in order for us to legally dispense anymedication or prescription, including over-the-counter medications like Tylenol.  A parent note is necessary for the use of cough drops, which will be kept in the nurse's office until needed.  If you need to update your child's health history, or authorize the use of medication at school, these and other health forms can be found on the District 122 website.  Once there, click on the Parent and Student Links tab, and then click on Medical Information.

Nurse: Mrs. Coccaro

Morning Student Arrival:  On school days, children may begin arriving at Haines School at 9:00 am.  We are not able to supervise any children before that time.  If you need before school daycare, please consider the ACES program held in the Haines School gymnasium, or Building Blocks, Champions, or Mary Sears.

Office Hours The Haines School office is open from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm daily.  During those hours, someone is available to answer the phone.  The building is open at the same times if something needs to be retrieved from a classroom - please check-in at the office first.

Vacation:  If a student will be missing school due to a vacation, a parent or guardian needs to send a note with the dates your child will be gone to the classroom teacher.  Remember during testing weeks it is very important that your child be present at school.