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Tyler Monthly Newsletters

 Tyler Monthly News







School Calendar

School Calendar

Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

Attendance: If a student will not be in school, it is the parent’s responsibility to call their child in each day of the absence before 9:15 a.m. using the Absentee Hotline at 1-815-485-2398.

Dropping off items:  When dropping off items for students during school hours, please leave them in the Office, and they will be delivered to your child.  Please make sure your child's name and teacher is marked on them.

Lunches: Lunches cost $4.00 each.  Please visit the District website for more information about the lunch program.  

Medication: Medication must be brought to the school by a parent or guardian.  In addition, a doctor’s note is needed in order for us to legally dispense any medication or prescription, including over-the-counter medication like Tylenol.  A parent note is necessary for the use of cough drops.  If you need to update your child’s health history or authorize the use of medication at school or other health forms, these can be found on the District 122 website.  

Morning Student Arrival:  On school days, children may begin arriving at Tyler School at 9:05 a.m.  We are not able to supervise children before then.  

Vacation:  If a student will be missing school due to a vacation, a parent or guardian needs to send a note with the dates your child will be gone to the classroom teacher.  Remember that during testing weeks it is very important that your child is in school.