


Have a safe and wonderful summer!!


Green/Silver Days

Green Silver Schedule

Emergency E-Learning Schedule



The schedule below will provide parents and staff time in the morning to get their families organized prior to the start of the instructional day.  Each class would receive 2 hours and 30 minutes of live remote instruction.  All instructional classes will meet with their students on their classroom Google Meets. Once synchronous lessons come to an end at 11:30am, everyone would have a 30-minute lunch break.  The afternoon would consist of asynchronous learning activities and all staff would be available throughout the afternoon until 3:00pm via Seesaw/Email. The asynchronous activities could be follow-up activities to the synchronous lesson from the morning and/or Art, Music and PE.  We recommend the asynchronous activities be something students can complete independently. All specials will record a lesson for students to watch along with an activity to complete (Total 1.5 hours). This activity will be 30 mins each special.  The remainder of the activities can be through Seesaw, Reflex, IXL, Raz Kids. 


9:00am - 11:30am Live Remote Instruction Schedule 


Synchronous ELA/Math/Science/SS       




Asynchronous (Specials included)



Staff would be available via Seesaw/Email should students have questions or need assistance until 3:10pm.