Dr. Marianne Cucci
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instructional Technology
Email: mcucci@nlsd122.org
Phone: (815) 485-2169
Karen Phillips
Administrative Assistant
Email: kphillips@nlsd122.org
Phone: (815) 485-2169
Heidi Morgan
Instructional Tech Coach
Email: hmorgan@nlsd122.org
Phone: (815) 485-2169
Department Overview
Welcome to the Curriculum Service Department!
New Lenox School District 122 maintains a rigorous academic curriculum that is second to none. To keep standards high, the department is responsible for:
- research on the best educational practices.
- guidance and collaboration with staff on the selection of instructional materials and resources.
- implementation of the state standards.
- professional development and mentoring of staff.
- integration of technology.
- development of a comprehensive assessment plan.
Administration works closely with our teachers to constantly evaluate our teaching materials, methodologies and technology. A multitude of professional development opportunities are available to teachers to enhance their teaching repertoire and stay current with the latest research to meet the needs of each learner in District 122.